Dear Loved Ones,
I cannot thank you enough for all your prayers and support! I sincerely appreciate it! I am writing you today to let you know how successful my recent mission trip to Nicaragua was. God is so great; the mission was amazingly blessed!
First of all I am not sure how many of you may know my Spanish here at home is broken. However as soon as I stepped foot in Nicaragua I was fluent! I was able to communicate perfectly, as if I had been speaking Spanish my whole life. Knowing perfect Spanish was so incredible because I was able to minister to the people in the church and taught two Sunday school lessons to the children. I feel so blessed to be used by God in such a mighty way and to just feel his sovereign hand over me the entire time.
The most humbling experience I have ever encountered happened in the village during this trip. We had the wonderful opportunity to spend Christmas with the people of San Juan de Limay. We brought a brother in the church a new cd player on Christmas. When his family opened the present; smiles appeared from ear to ear, they lifted their hands in praise, giving all the glory and honor to God.
Without me even realizing it, the Lord had definitely been preparing me for this trip for the past year. In June I recently had a job change from Starbucks to Mission Hills Christian School. Working with children fulltime at work, my heart changed significantly from prior trips. This trip my heart was really focused on the children of Nicaragua. Being there in the village I found out they do not have a children’s ministry at the church. I am seeing children I’ve known since they were four years old, now fourteen and not wanting to go to church. Since there is no Sunday school, the children are lacking that foundation on Christ. There are currently many young children between the ages of five to fourteen years old at the church. I feel a desire on my heart to go back and help the church begin a solid children’s ministry. My desire is to love these children of the village the way Christ loves me.
I have such a love and a very special place in my heart for San Juan de Limay.
God has opened doors for me to return to San Juan de Limay in May for a month. I purchased my ticket for May 17, 2010- June 15, 2010. While I am there I will be forming a children’s ministry, ministering to the church, disciplining the young woman of the village on the importance of purity, and teaching English classes. As of right now they do not have a youth ministry or discipleship with the youth. I am praying for all the needs of the church and that the Lord would provide other missionaries to join the mission trip. Please lift this up in prayer!
Over the years I have seen God provide spiritually, physically, and financially for all my trips. I trust in that, knowing God will provide. I feel this is God’s will for my life. I ask that you would support me most importantly through prayer. May the Lord be Honored and Glorified! God Bless You!
In His Love,
Priscilla Rodriguez