Hello Brother and Sisters!
I have arrived safely in San Juan de Limay! I am being so very blessed and loving every moment the Lord has given in this amazing place! This mission trip is so different from the other trips I have taken in the past. I am not staying in a tent, I am living in the house of Pastor Vicente and his family; staying with his daughters. Spending every moment with them. Such a blessing, they are like family to me! I spent the first two days ministering to the family and visiting some families from the church with Pastor Vicente. The Lord is softening the hearts of Vicente’s daughters as well. My hearts desire coming here was to minister to his 16 and 14 year old girls and to really get to know my sisters in Christ. We have had a few great times of discipleship and the trip has just begun! Praise God ☺!! Exciting things are happening here. The Lord is opening many doors for the church here in San Juan de Limay. First of all a few of them have given the opportunity to work with the Governor. They are in the process in building a chicken-processing center. In the center they will be raising chickens, then processing them, and packaging them to sell in neighboring villages. Secondly the church is working to build a maternity house. Women who live in neighboring villages will be able to live there and deliver their children there instead of giving birth in the home. I am so excited to see God’s hand working mightily with the brothers and sisters here. We had a prayer meeting Tuesday, it was great meeting with the body of Christ and interceding together; what a wonderful joy that put in my heart! Today I spent the entire day as a true Nicaraguan, even waking up at 4am, haha! For the first time I rode their public transportation 2 hours to the town of Esteli and took a taxi once in Esteli... both such crazy rides! Imagine the most insane off-roading ride ever… times 7 on the bus and racing as fast as you can on a race track in the taxi! So much fun! Roberto the worship leader took me everywhere I needed to go to buy the last supplies I need for Children’s Sunday school here. Bless his heart, we spent 3 hours getting all the copies made for an entire year of Sunday School lessons. I had quite an experience today. Life is so different here from the United States, I love it! Pastor Vicente asked me to give English classes. Tomorrow our classes begin, and they invited many people from the village. Please pray for us, it will be a great time to share the gospel. I thank my Lord and Savior for this incredible opportunity to spend a month here. I am so excited to see what God is going to do here. Thank you for all your support and prayers. God Bless You!
All Glory and Honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!