Bethany- You are so awesome always there to encourage me with everything we talk about!
Tita- You are always praying for me when times are rough!
Blythe- You are always up for listening to what the latest in life, and I am definitely one that needs someone like that!
Jordan - You always are sincerely happy to see me which is such a blessing!
Thank You all for making a difference in my life, for always having so much fun together, for showing Christ's love to me constantly, and for always putting that much needed smile on my face. I praise God for you guys, love you all!
Some of the exciting fun things this summer consisted of:
Palm Springs

So many Union Line shows I can't even count! So fun!

Angel Games

Hang outs at the Feltens
East Coast trip with the Feltens
Visiting my Best friend whom I love and miss tremendously!

i love you p rod <3
it's cause you're always a blessing to see you poop!
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