A customer gave me a card today and in there she wrote... "Find something you love to do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life." I loved her quote!

Today was my last shift as Starbucks. When I first put in my last day date about three months ago I was so excited to quit starbucks. After working there for four and a half years, I was ready. I kept thinking about how sick I was of that place. Within the last week emotions started to change. I was actually getting sad about leaving. I woke up yesterday not wanting to go in to my last day because I knew it would all be over. Four and a half years is such a long time, I look back on all the amazing memories and wonderful friends I have made through all those years. I have been so incredibly blessed and thank God for all of that and in the fact that I had a job! Some of the best times were experienced behind the counter:
Amazing memories:
Countless lid throwing wars/whip cream wars (ask Vianca I sprayed it into her hair bun); dance parties in the backroom; mocha explosions that end up with mocha all over your face, hair, arms, and clothes; one time I went to put whip on a caramel frapp and it exploded in my face… I mean it covered my entire face…I was wearing glasses that day and when I took them off all you could see were my eyes… so great; and so many other times that end with you laughing so hard your stomach hurts and you can't breathe.
The wonderful friends I made and the friends I had but made those relationships so much sweeter... just to name a few:
Angela- She is the one who first got me the job, out of all the years I worked there, we worked together 3.5 of those. I ended up at the same store as her, we opened together Monday through Friday for 3 months straight. We had 4am chats and they were amazing. God glorifying discussions and discipleship took place every single morning. Our friendship has blossomed so much from that time the Lord provided. Such a blessing!

The Felten Clan- goodness how I love all these guys! They are like family to me :)

I look back on how much I have grown up and changed over these years! Through some experiences at starbucks God has used them to mold me into the woman He wills me to be, I am so happy!
Although I won’t be asking if you’d like room for cream anymore… I am going to miss those I worked with, and the spectacular customers I met there! Time to retire that green apron.

My entire life is changing right now, from a new job as Assistant Director of care&recreation at Mission Hills Christian School down to my friends and people in my life. I am so excited for this new chapter and season in life. I praise You oh Lord for all You do in my life.
“Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” Psalm 118: 1
-And take my life, let it be everything, all of me
Here I am, use me for Your glory
In everything I say and do, let my life honor You
Here I am living for Your glory
The road I’m on that leads nowhere without You
And the life I live that finds meaning and surrender
In view of God’s mercy, I offer my all
Seeking first the Kingdom of my Lord-
"Find something you love to do, and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
This is one of the most important pieces of advice to follow. I would add to it: and which provides you the kind of income you need.
Take this advice heart & follow through on it. You will be rewarded countless times...
that picture of you by the tree is priceless. it's like senior photos, for starbuck's employees. graduations are bittersweet, are they not? ;)
p.s. i've never been sad to quit a job.
the one by the tree is sooo cute!
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